Goteborg Landvetter Airport Transfer

Pre-book your transfer from Goteborg Landvetter Airport

Find different transfers to and from Gothenburg Landvetter Airport (GOT)

It is good to have arranged your transport on arrival and departure from Landvetter Airport. Below you have some options that you can book in advance and avoid standing in line and having everything ready in advance.

Save time and avoid headaches when you need transport between Gothenburg and the airport. The cheapest way to get from the airport to Gothenburg is by bus. If you want to get directly to your hotel or private address, taxi (private transfer) is a good option as you come door-to-door. For those of you who want to get around on your own, a rental car is also an option. We work with Vy Flygbussarna Airport Coaches and Viator.

Gothenburg-Landvetter Airport is Sweden's second largest international airport and is located a short distance outside Gothenburg. The airport opened on October 3, 1977, replacing the old airport in Torslanda. It was Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf who inaugurated the airport. A hotel outside the airport was built in 1987, Landvetter Airport Hotel. The international terminal opened in February 2013. The hall also contains several shops and restaurants. Since then, several different developments have taken place.

Bus transfer between Landvetter Airport and Goteborg

Go by Vy Flygbussarna Airport Coaches from Landvetter Airport to Gothenburg
Travel with Flygbussarna

Go by Vy Flygbussarna Airport Coaches to Gothenburg

Bus transfer from Landvetter airport to Gothenburg

Flygbussarna is Sweden's most famous airport bus from various airports. With Flygbussarna you can easily get from Landvetter airport into Gothenburg. And when you're flying from Landvetter airport, it's just as smooth up to the airport from Gothenburg.

The airport buses stop at 4 different bus stops in Gothenburg: Korsvägen (at Liseberg and Svenska Mässan), Berzeliigatan (at Södra vägen near Avenyn), Kungsportsplatsen and Gothenburg Central Station..

Price: You pay for a seat on the bus.
Bus route: The airport buses depart outside the Arrivals Terminal at Landvetter Airport (stop no. 1). In Gothenburg, you can get off at 4 stops: Korsvägen, Berzeliigatan, Kungsportsplatsen and Gothenburg Central Station.
Return ticket: Can bee booked at the same time.
Arrives to: Goteborg Central Station (Nils Ericson Terminalen).

In cooperation with Vy Flygbussarna Airport Coaches.
Go Gothenburg Pass


A Gothenburg tourist card filled with free admission!

With a Go City Gothenburg Pass you can discover Gothenburg at a discounted price. This Gothenburg card is filled with entrances to sights, museums and sightseeing. You pay a fixed price for the card that is valid for different numbers of days: 1, 2, 3 or 5 days. Visit as many attractions as you can of all that is included.

More info about Go City Gothenburg Pass

Free admission and sightseeing:

Paddan tour


Goteborg City Museum

Bohus Fortress



Gunnebo House

Boat- and Bus tours

Transfer med taxi / privat bil

Private car return ticket Landvetter Airport
Round-trip Landvetter transport

Private transfer

Round-trip by car for 1-8 people

Departs 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
For those who want to get to your hotel from Landvetter Airport can travel by private car. You can book for 1 to 8 people. The size of the car and the price depends on how many of you are booking together. You will be driven to your booked hotel or apartment, so-called. door-to-door service. You arrive at your hotel and do not have to carry your luggage on local transport.

Price: You pay for a car 1-8 people.
Where do I find the car: You are met by the driver who has your name on a sign.
Return ticket: You can book it at the same time.

Private transfer to Gothenburg Airport

Private transfer 1-6 people

From hotel/private address to airport

Affordable private car from Gothenburg to GOT Landvetter airport. You can book for up to 6 people.

Price: You pay per car 1-6 people. Very good price!
Where do I find the car: You will be picked up at your hotel or private address.
Departs: 24/7, around the clock.

Book private transfer to Landvetter airport

Private transfer 1-3 people

From hotel to airport

Treat yourself to a convenient transport from your hotel in Gothenburg to Landvetter. You can book for up to 3 people.

Price: You pay per car 1-3 people.
Where do I find the car: You will be picked up at your hotel.
Departs: 24/7, around the clock.


You can choose from different types of accommodation in Gothenburg ranging from luxury hotels to hostels. Maybe you want a hotel with a pool or the most important thing is that it is close to a special place in Gothenburg.

We work with where you can easily book your hotel in Gothenburg. You also have free cancellation at selected hotels.

Popular areas in Goteborg:

Hotels close to central Goteborg

Hotels close to Liseberg

Hotels in Majorna

Hotels close to Nya Ullevi

Hotels close to Scandinavium

Hotels close to Goteborg Central Station

As at all airports, if people come to you inside the terminal and offer you transport, DO NOT go with them. You do not know who offers you transport to Gothenburg. If you have not booked your transfer already at home, go to the Information to ask about transport.
We reserve the right to anyy changes to content and rules applicable above airport transfers. Always be sure to read on the booking website for latest information and what is included in your booking. We work with Omio and Viator for transfer bookings.

Göteborg Landvetter Airport

Landvetter Airport development
Gothenburg Landvetter Airport is growing.....

Map - Goteborg Landvetter Airport